The data migration to a new IT landscape

Telecom organisation


To take the step towards further digitisation, the Telecom operator has developed a new IT landscape based on Salesforce and related modules. This system is delivered in phases, whereby a new product group is supported each time. As soon as a certain product group is supported, the operator can migrate the customers who (only) use that product group from the old system to the new platform.


In order to achieve a manageable and clear result, the deliverables are divided into two parts:

  1. Data migration: Data from the old system had to be transformed and enriched to meet the (better) requirements from the new system. Because the migration process was spread over a longer period of time, an agile team of analysts and developers developed a tool that could carry out migrations based on batches.

  2. Selection and onboarding of customers: Both customers and employees were confronted with a new way of working. For this onboarding, a multidisciplinary team was set up with the specific aim of making everything run as smoothly as possible.

  • A solid migration route has been completed, where new product types and selection criteria can be added in a modular fashion, depending on the data.

  • Together with Vasco, the first three batches of customers have been migrated. This demonstrates the smooth functioning of the migration process. Migrated customers have responded positively to the process and the new working method.

  • As a result of the migration, any data issues and incidents still present in the new platform were addressed and resolved.

Data migration
René WildöerWesley van Leeuwen