Data Competence Centre

We possess specific data skills that we can deploy - either systematically or on a one-off basis - to realise data initiatives more quickly and to increase their impact.

When it comes to the achievement of business objectives, we find that the availability of data plays an ever greater role. To help you work on a data-driven basis, Vasco Consult has developed both the Vasco Data Scan and the Grip op Data (Grip on Data) programme. In addition, Vasco helps businesses and other organisations to generate data analyses, to properly organise and harmonise their reporting systems and reports and to carry out their data cleaning and data migration. We do this as follows:

  1. Organising: Organising and initiating data checks/controls, data reports/reporting and dashboards. This relates to both operational data and data used for revenue assurance purposes.
  2. Optimising: Improving the reporting procedures, specific reports and underlying data quality.
  3. Data services: There are some data-related activities that we can take over from our clients on a temporary or even permanent basis that we then offer them as a service.

Our Data Competence Centre is located in Portugal. Click here to see our team.

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Ruben Uppelschoten

Analytical, results-oriented, hands-on, team player.

Starts defining the solution by management by facts AND by listening to employees.

Contact us Following your enquiry, we will get back to you within two working days.
Inês Cunha

Focused on results, customer-oriented, observer, determined, emphatic.

Committed to the team and always available to help. Focused on developing sustainable and trusting relationships with the customer.

Contact us Following your enquiry, we will get back to you within two working days.